About FaceShow

FaceShow is an application that analysis the mood of the person based on the emails he has been sending of from last couple of days. The application analysis the top 15 emails from the users having gmail accounts(mostly ending with '@gmail.com' or with whom you have interacted with) and updates the mood score the email id it is from. Emails other than gmail e-mails are generally ignored as they are mostly send by the bots or other less important persons. If you are still interested in the moods of those persons just enter the name of those persons in the search box and the application will calculate the moods of that person for you (provided data is available). Now if you wants to ask for a favor just check the mood and then approach at the right moment. The application also updates your mood score based on the moods of the person you are interacting with. So each time you search for the person, your mood also gets updated as you are considered to be interacting with that person. Isn't it amazing?

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How to login at FaceShow

Login to FaceShow is a very simple.

Why is Oops! page displayed when ever I login to FaceShow

Invalid page is usually displayed when application is unable to fetch data from your gmail account or your gmail account have no mails from anyone using @gmail domain. It is sometimes also displayed when there are too many users and our account quota has ended. In such case you should try again next day.


Should I trust entering my gmail mails on FaceShow?

Yes, FaceShow just uses your mails to analyze the moods of your friends. None of the data is stored in any case.

How are the moods computed?

The mood of the person is computed from the mails he send. The mails are not shown anywhere as it is not only the one user's mails that contibute to the moods but many different user's mails. To preserve the privacy of users no mails are shown. The overall current mood of the person is the mood mostly from the most recent mails.

What does mood images and score signify?

The mood scores ranges between values -100 to 100 percentage. It shows how much happy (positive percentage score) or sad (negative percentage score) the person is. It is usually provided to compare the relative happiness of different persons. The images are just visual representation of the scores. The images are shown as per following table.

Mood Image
Can't be Worse
-90% to -100%
-60% to -90%
-40% to -60%
-10% to -40%
Neutral / Normal
-10% to 10%
10% to 30%
30% to 50%
50% to 70%
Extremely Suitable
70% to 90%
Can't be Better
90% to 100%

Nothing happens after I click the login with gmail button. What should I do?

The application tries to interact with google apps script in order to fetch the required mails from your gmail account. This step usually takes some time (we are trying to reduce this time). Please be patient, the moods will be available soon.

Whom to contact in case of queries or reporting bugs?

In case of any queries you can contact me at 'romilbansal@gmail.com'.